Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Empowering Responses to Ungratefulness: Resilience Amidst Manipulation.


Prioritize self-care to overcome the challenges of ungratefulness.

This post explores the behavior of ungrateful individuals, drawing parallels between their mindset and a malfunctioning thermostat. It highlights common traits of ungratefulness, such as jealousy and deception, and provides thirteen signs to identify such people. The lesson concludes with practical strategies for managing ungrateful individuals, including setting boundaries and distancing oneself if necessary.

"The Thermostat of The Ungrateful" illustrates the complexities of dealing with ungrateful individuals and highlights the importance of recognizing their manipulative and entitled behavior. By understanding the parallels between their mindset and a malfunctioning thermostat, you can better navigate interactions with such individuals. Remember to communicate openly, set boundaries, and prioritize your well-being when dealing with ungrateful people. Surround yourself with positive influences and be mindful of who you invest your time and energy in. Ultimately, protecting your emotional health and fostering positive connections will lead to a more fulfilling and content life.

As you navigate encounters with ungrateful individuals, keep in mind that everyone has their struggles, and some may not be aware of their ungrateful behavior. While it's essential to protect yourself, there might be instances where offering a compassionate ear or understanding can help them see their actions more clearly. However, always prioritize your well-being and emotional boundaries in these situations.

Additionally, it's important to remember that the behavior of ungrateful people is not a reflection of your worth or actions. Their entitlement and lack of appreciation stem from their own unresolved issues and insecurities. Avoid taking their behavior personally and maintain confidence in your own actions and intentions.

As you practice managing ungrateful encounters, focus on cultivating gratitude in your own life. Express appreciation to those who have helped or supported you, and acknowledge the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude can create a positive mindset and foster meaningful connections with others.

If you find yourself struggling to cope with interactions involving ungrateful individuals or if their behavior becomes emotionally taxing, consider seeking support from a counselor or therapist. Professional guidance can provide valuable insights and coping strategies tailored to your specific situation.


  1. Ungrateful individuals frequently demand more without showing appreciation; taking advantage of others' kindness.
  2. They may harbor jealousy and direct negative behavior towards those they envy, seeking assistance from those they secretly resent.
  3. Skilled dissemblers, they manipulate others by playing the victim and offering flattery to achieve their goals.
  4. Signs of ungratefulness include consistent blaming of others, disregard for boundaries, and an entitled sense of self-importance.
  5. Strategies for dealing with ungrateful individuals involve direct communication, setting boundaries, and, if necessary, distancing oneself from them.

In practical terms, managing ungrateful individuals can be challenging, but it's crucial to address the issue directly. When you encounter someone displaying ungrateful behavior, consider the following steps:
  1. Communicate Openly: If you notice signs of ungratefulness in someone you interact with, try having an honest conversation with them. Approach the topic with empathy and express how their behavior makes you feel. Sometimes, individuals may not be aware of their ungrateful tendencies, and bringing it to their attention can lead to positive changes.
  2. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to protect yourself from being taken advantage of by ungrateful individuals. Be assertive and learn to say no when necessary. If they persistently push for favors without showing appreciation, firmly maintain your boundaries to avoid being manipulated.
  3. Evaluate the Relationship: Reflect on the nature of your relationship with the ungrateful individual. Consider whether the friendship or connection is healthy and beneficial. If their behavior consistently brings you down or negatively affects your well-being, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship's worth.
  4. Seek Support: If you find it challenging to deal with an ungrateful person on your own, seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Talking about your experiences can provide valuable insights and strategies for coping with the situation.
  5. Avoid Enabling: Ungrateful individuals may exploit your kindness and generosity, leading to a cycle of entitlement. Avoid enabling their behavior by not giving in to their requests when you feel taken advantage of or underappreciated.
  6. Maintain Self-Respect: It's essential to value yourself and maintain self-respect when dealing with ungrateful individuals. Recognize that their behavior reflects their own issues, and it's not a reflection of your worth or character.
  7. Be Selective with Trust: While it's important to be compassionate and kind, be cautious about trusting ungrateful individuals with sensitive information or resources. Their tendency to be calculating and deceptive can lead to potential harm.
  8. Distance Yourself if Necessary: If all attempts to address the issue prove futile, and the ungrateful behavior continues to cause distress, it might be best to distance yourself from that person. Surround yourself with positive and appreciative individuals who uplift and support you.

Remember, managing ungrateful individuals requires resilience and self-awareness. It's essential to recognize your boundaries, stand firm in your decisions, and prioritize your well-being. By doing so, you can maintain healthier relationships and protect yourself from being taken advantage of by unappreciative people.

In some cases, despite your best efforts, ungrateful individuals may not change their behavior. If you find yourself consistently facing manipulative or toxic behavior, it's crucial to take more decisive action:

  1. Minimize Contact: Gradually reduce the frequency and depth of your interactions with the ungrateful person. Limiting contact can protect your emotional well-being and help you maintain your peace of mind.
  2. Focus on Positive Relationships: Channel your energy towards nurturing relationships with those who value and appreciate you. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive individuals can counteract the negative impact of ungrateful encounters.
  3. Practice Self-Care: Engage in self-care activities that promote emotional and mental well-being. Whether it's spending time in nature, pursuing hobbies, or seeking professional help, taking care of yourself is essential during challenging times.
  4. Learn from the Experience: Reflect on your interactions with ungrateful individuals and identify any patterns or red flags that you might have overlooked. Learning from these experiences can help you set healthier boundaries in future relationships.
  5. Let Go of Guilt: Sometimes, breaking ties with ungrateful individuals can be challenging, especially if you have a history with them. However, it's crucial to let go of any guilt associated with distancing yourself from toxic relationships. Prioritize your emotional health and focus on personal growth.

In summary, dealing with ungrateful people can be challenging, but understanding their traits and manipulative tendencies can empower you to respond effectively. Set clear boundaries, prioritize self-care, and focus on nurturing positive relationships in your life. Remember, you have the agency to choose the company you keep and deserve to be surrounded by individuals who respect and appreciate you. By navigating these interactions with awareness and compassion, you can foster a more harmonious and fulfilling social environment for yourself and those who genuinely value your presence in their lives.


Staff Writer.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Nigeria's Investment Landscape: Foreign Investors Ready for Positive Changes


President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's focus on the repatriation of dividends and profits brings hope to Nigeria's stock market.

The Decline in Foreign Investors' Participation: Challenges Faced by Nigeria's Stock Market

The new president of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has grabbed the attention of overseas investors with his inaugural speech, addressing crucial issues plaguing the country's economy. One major concern for foreign investors has been the severe lack of foreign exchange, hindering their ability to invest and repatriate funds. Tinubu has assured investors that their complaints about multiple taxation and anti-investment barriers will be reviewed, emphasizing the government's commitment to facilitating the repatriation of dividends and profits.

Suspension of Central Bank Governor: A Step Towards Predictable Monetary Policies

Shortly after, Tinubu made headlines by suspending the central bank governor, Godwin Emefiele, who had faced criticism for high-interest rates and the existence of multiple exchange rate systems. This move, coupled with Tinubu's comments, has generated enthusiasm among non-domestic investors who have been fleeing Nigeria due to difficulties in retrieving their investments. Despite abundant investment opportunities, the inability to repatriate funds has kept international investors at bay.

The Nigerian stock market has witnessed a decline in foreign investors' participation over the years. In 2014, foreign investors dominated trading, accounting for 57% of all transactions. However, by the end of 2021, their share had dropped to 22%, and it further plummeted to 16% by the end of 2022. The latest statistics indicate that foreigners only contributed 4% to Nigerian equity trading as of April, raising concerns among international fund managers.

Nigeria's Stock Market Statistics: Falling Share of Foreign Investors.

Foreign Exchange Restrictions: Impacts on Repatriation for International Investors

The imposition of foreign exchange restrictions by the central bank during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic worsened the situation. These controls aimed to alleviate the dollar shortage but made it increasingly challenging for foreign investors to repatriate funds from sold holdings. Consequently, many international fund managers, including Allan Gray, have refrained from investing in Nigeria, citing a lack of confidence in retrieving their capital.

New Nigeria Naira Notes.

Investor Confidence Restoration: Repatriation Focus Brings Hope to Nigeria's Stock Market

The suspension of Governor Emefiele has been welcomed by investors, signaling a shift towards focused and predictable monetary policies. It represents a positive step by President Tinubu towards implementing necessary reforms early in his term. Analysts and portfolio managers believe that this change will lead to a return to normalcy and restore confidence in Nigeria's banking sector and the wider economy.

Overall, Tinubu's message regarding the repatriation of dividends and profits, coupled with the removal of the central bank governor, has raised spirits in Nigeria's stock market. Foreign investors are hopeful that these actions will pave the way for a more conducive investment environment and facilitate the retrieval of their investments.


Gbola Moh'd Isama

Monday, June 26, 2023

Last Chance! Grab Unbeatable Deals Before They're Gone!


Dear Valued Customers,

We hope this email finds you excited about the incredible savings that await you during our Jumia Anniversary "Closeout Sale" event! We don't want you to miss out on these unbeatable deals, so we're reaching out one last time to remind you that time is running out. This is your final chance to grab the products you've had your eye on at unbelievable prices.

Let's recap the exceptional price drops we have for you:

1. Wireless Automatic Electric Gallon Bottled Rechargeable Water Pump Dispenser

   Previous Price: ₦7,000

   New Price: ₦4,500


   Previous Price: ₦11,560

   New Price: ₦8,400

3. 600W Solar Flood Light For Outdoor Or Indoor Lighting

   Previous Price: ₦27,999

   New Price: ₦23,000

4. Solar Powered 4G PTZ Camera With Wireless Connection

   Previous Price: ₦120,000

   New Price: ₦90,000

7. 600W Solar Flood Light For Outdoor Or Indoor Lighting

   Previous Price: ₦60,000

   New Price: ₦60,000

These are just a few examples of the incredible discounts available. We have carefully selected these products to ensure that you have access to the very best at prices you won't find anywhere else. Don't miss your chance to transform your home, office, or outdoor spaces with high-quality products that fit your budget.

To make your shopping experience even more convenient, simply click on the button below to subscribe for updates you will be notified of our new blog posts and articles on the complete range of discounted products.

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Remember, this is your final opportunity to take advantage of these unbeatable prices. Don't let this moment slip away. Act now, and secure the products you've been eyeing before they're gone!

We're here to support you throughout your shopping journey. If you have any questions, need assistance, or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer support team. We're always ready to help you make the best choices and ensure your satisfaction.

Thank you for being a valued member of our community. We truly appreciate your trust and loyalty in choosing Supercomafrica. Rest assured, we will continue to provide you with outstanding products, exceptional customer service, and unbeatable prices.

This is your last chance! Don't let it slip away. Start shopping today and make the most of our "Closeout Sale" before it ends!

Best regards,

Gbola Isama,

Supercomafrica Limited

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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Unlock the Power of Connectivity with Reliable Modems: Your Small Business Owner's Guide to Affordable Broadband Solutions.


Image: How Modems Work


In the digital age, reliable internet connectivity is crucial for small businesses to thrive. Modems, as the gateway to the Internet, play a critical role in connecting businesses to their Internet service providers (ISPs). This article serves as a comprehensive guide for small business owners, highlighting the importance of modems and providing insights into the various modem types available in Nigeria. By understanding the features, speeds, and compatibility of different modems, small business owners can make informed decisions and select affordable and reliable options that cater to their specific needs.

Modems: The Gateway to the Internet

Modems act as the bridge between a small business's internal network and the external internet. They receive data from the ISP and convert it into a format that can be transmitted over a local network. Without a modem, businesses would not have access to the internet and all the opportunities it provides.

In Nigeria, a variety of modem types are available to cater to different business requirements and geographical locations. The most common modem types include satellite, cable, and wireless modems. Each type offers unique advantages and considerations that small business owners should be aware of.

Satellite Modems: Bridging Connectivity Gaps

Satellite modems are an ideal solution for businesses operating in areas with limited terrestrial connectivity. They rely on communication satellites to establish an internet connection, bypassing the need for traditional land-based infrastructure. This makes satellite modems a viable option for businesses in remote or underserved locations. They provide connectivity where other types of modems might not be feasible.

Cable Modems: Speed and Convenience

Cable modems utilize the existing cable television infrastructure to deliver high-speed internet access. They offer faster speeds compared to satellite modems and are widely available in urban and suburban areas. Cable modems are an excellent choice for small businesses that prioritize speed and reliability. They provide a stable and consistent internet connection that can handle bandwidth-intensive tasks such as video conferencing, online transactions, and large file transfers.

Wireless Modems: Versatility and Mobility

Wireless modems, also known as cellular modems or MiFis, leverage cellular networks to provide internet connectivity. They offer the advantage of mobility, allowing small businesses to access the internet on the go. Wireless modems are particularly useful for businesses that require flexibility and frequently travel or operate in different locations. They are also suitable for temporary setups or as backup solutions when other types of connectivity are unavailable.

Image: Linksys

Understanding Modem Features, Speeds, and Compatibility

To make an informed decision when choosing a modem, small business owners should consider the features, speeds, and compatibility with Nigerian ISPs. The modem features such as security protocols, network management options, and compatibility with VPNs or VoIP services can significantly impact the business's connectivity and operations. It is important to assess the specific needs of the business and select a modem that aligns with those requirements.

Different ISPs in Nigeria may have varying compatibility with modem types and brands. It is crucial for small business owners to research and ensure that the modem they choose is compatible with their chosen ISP. Compatibility issues can lead to connectivity problems and inefficiencies, affecting the overall business operations.

Recommendations for Affordable and Reliable Modem Options in Nigeria

To help small business owners make informed decisions, we recommend a few affordable and reliable modem options available in Nigeria:

1. Option 1: Satellite Modem

  1. Ideal for businesses in remote areas with limited terrestrial connectivity

  2. Offers reliable connectivity through satellite communication

  3. Provides secure and stable internet access

2. Option 2: Cable Modem

  1. Suitable for businesses in urban or suburban areas

  2. Delivers high-speed internet access for bandwidth-intensive tasks

  3. Compatible with major ISPs in Nigeria and offers a reliable connection

3. Option 3: Wireless Modem

  1. Provides flexibility and mobility for businesses on the move

  2. Leverages cellular networks to deliver internet access

  3. Ideal for temporary setups or as a backup solution

It is important to note that the recommendations above are based on general considerations. Small business owners should assess their specific needs, budget constraints, and geographic location to determine the most suitable modem option for their business.


Modems serve as the gateway to the internet for small businesses in Nigeria. Understanding the various modem types, their features, speeds, and compatibility with Nigerian ISPs is crucial for small business owners to make informed decisions. By selecting affordable and reliable modem options tailored to their needs, small business owners can ensure a stable and efficient internet connection, enabling them to thrive in the digital landscape and achieve their business goals.

To assist Nigerian small business owners in making informed decisions, Supercomafrica Limited will provide recommendations for affordable and reliable broadband equipment specifically suited to their needs. We will also offer valuable tips on optimizing equipment performance, maximizing efficiency, and the importance of selecting reputable suppliers that offer local customer support for ease of maintenance and troubleshooting.


Staff, Broadband Technology

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Businesses You Can Start And Run On Your Own In Nigeria In 2023.

Step into the vibrant world of entrepreneurship in Nigeria, where dreams take flight and possibilities abound. Discover a range of businesses you can start and run with N130,000 or less in Lagos, Nigeria. From retail to services, uncover strategic tips, and operational insight. Explore the captivating journey of starting and running businesses on your own and gain inspiration from real-life examples, learn valuable lessons, and unleash your entrepreneurial spirit in the bustling city of Lagos.

In the first part series, we discuss Fashion Accessories Retail.

Fashion Accessories Retail: Building a Successful Business in the Fashion Industry.


The fashion accessories retail industry offers tremendous opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs who have a passion for style and trends. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of how to start a fashion accessories retail business, from sourcing affordable yet trendy products to establishing a strong presence through online and offline channels. Real-life examples will be used to illustrate key steps and costs involved in each stage of the process.

1. Source Affordable Yet Trendy Products:

To create a successful fashion accessories retail business, it's crucial to source products that are both affordable and on-trend. Identify local suppliers or explore online platforms that offer a wide range of accessories, including jewelry, handbags, scarves, sunglasses, and hats. Conduct thorough research and negotiate favorable pricing to ensure a competitive edge in the market.

Example Scenario:

Amelia, an aspiring entrepreneur, decides to start a fashion accessories retail business. She identifies a local supplier who offers a variety of trendy accessories at affordable prices. Amelia establishes a partnership with the supplier, enabling her to access the latest fashion accessories and offer them to her customers at attractive price points.

2. Create an Inventory:

Building a diverse and appealing inventory is essential to attract customers and meet their fashion needs. Consider the latest fashion trends, target customer preferences, and a variety of price points when selecting products for your inventory. Aim to offer a well-curated collection that appeals to different style preferences and budgets.

Example Scenario:

David, an entrepreneur with a keen eye for fashion, invests N80,000 to create an initial inventory for his fashion accessories retail business. He carefully selects a range of products, including statement necklaces, trendy handbags, and stylish sunglasses, catering to both casual and formal fashion styles. David ensures that his inventory represents a balance between current trends and timeless pieces.

3. Set up an Online Store:

In today's digital age, establishing an online presence is crucial for reaching a wider audience and generating sales. Create an online store that showcases your fashion accessories and provides a seamless shopping experience for customers. Invest in a user-friendly website, professional product photography, and secure payment options to build trust and credibility.

Example Scenario:

Tara, an entrepreneur with a tech-savvy approach, invests N50,000 to set up an online store for her fashion accessories business. She hires a web designer to create an attractive and mobile-responsive website that reflects her brand identity. Tara optimizes the website for search engines, ensuring her products appear in relevant online searches. She also integrates secure payment gateways and implements effective inventory management systems to streamline her online operations.

4. Rent a Small Kiosk in a Busy Shopping Area:

While online sales are vital, having a physical presence can help attract customers and establish a direct connection with them. Consider renting a small kiosk or stall in a busy shopping area or local market where there is high foot traffic. Choose a location that aligns with your target audience and provides visibility for your fashion accessories.

Example Scenario:

Michael, an entrepreneur who values face-to-face interactions, decides to rent a small kiosk in a popular shopping mall. He invests N100,000 as a deposit and commits to a monthly rental fee. The kiosk is strategically located near other fashion-related stores, attracting customers who are already interested in fashion accessories. Michael designs an eye-catching display for his products and ensures the kiosk is well-stocked with a variety of accessories to entice shoppers.

To illustrate, let's take the business idea of "Fashion Accessories Retail":

How to Get Started: Research local suppliers or online platforms, source affordable fashion accessories, create an inventory and establish an online store or rent a small kiosk.

Publicity: Utilize social media platforms to showcase products, collaborate with fashion influencers for promotions, participate in local pop-up markets, and distribute flyers in targeted areas.

Operational Tips: Stay updated with fashion trends, offer competitive pricing, provide excellent customer service, and focus on building customer loyalty through personalized shopping experiences.

Income Potential: With effective marketing, product selection, and customer engagement, you can generate a steady income. The actual earnings will depend on factors such as pricing, sales volume, and operational costs.

Acquiring Investment Capital: Consider self-funding, reaching out to friends and family, exploring microfinance institutions, crowdfunding campaigns, or government grants.

Getting More Information: Join local business networks, enroll in entrepreneurship courses, visit Small Business Development Centers in Lagos, and utilize online resources such as websites, blogs, and podcasts that provide guidance on starting a fashion accessories business.


Starting a fashion accessories retail business requires a combination of creativity, market research, and strategic decision-making. By sourcing affordable yet trendy products, creating an appealing inventory, establishing an online store, and renting a small kiosk in a busy shopping area, you can position your business for success in the competitive fashion industry. The real-life examples provided throughout this expository guide illustrate the steps and costs involved in each stage of the process, helping aspiring entrepreneurs navigate the challenges and opportunities of the fashion accessories retail business. Remember, understanding your target audience, staying updated with fashion trends, and delivering excellent customer service are key factors in building a thriving and profitable fashion accessories retail business.


Q: What types of fashion accessories can I sell in my retail business in Lagos, Nigeria?

A: You can sell a wide range of fashion accessories such as jewelry, handbags, scarves, sunglasses, hats, belts, and hair accessories.

Q: How can I find reliable suppliers for my fashion accessories?

A: You can find reliable suppliers by attending trade shows, reaching out to local manufacturers and wholesalers, exploring online marketplaces, or networking with industry professionals.

Q: How can I determine the pricing for my fashion accessories?

A: Consider factors such as product quality, competition, target market, and desired profit margins when setting your pricing. Conduct market research to understand the price range for similar products in the market.

Q: How can I attract customers to my fashion accessories retail store?

A: Utilize marketing strategies such as social media promotions, word-of-mouth advertising, collaborations with fashion influencers or bloggers, hosting events or workshops, and creating eye-catching window displays.

Q: Is it necessary to have an online presence for my fashion accessories retail business?

A: Having an online presence is highly recommended in today's digital age. Create a website or online store where customers can browse and purchase your products. Utilize social media platforms to engage with your target audience and promote your offerings.

Q: How can I differentiate my fashion accessories retail business from competitors?

A: Offer unique or exclusive products, provide exceptional customer service, create a visually appealing store layout, stay updated with the latest fashion trends, and actively engage with your customers to build brand loyalty.

Q: Are there any legal requirements or permits I need to consider when starting a retail business in Lagos?

A: Yes, you will need to register your business with the appropriate government agencies, obtain necessary permits, and comply with tax regulations. Consult with local authorities or business consultants to ensure you meet all legal requirements.

Q: How can I manage my inventory effectively?

A: Implement inventory management systems to track stock levels, conduct regular audits, analyze sales data to forecast demand, and establish relationships with suppliers to ensure timely restocking of popular items.

Q: How much can I expect to earn from a fashion accessories retail business in Lagos?

A: Your earnings will depend on factors such as sales volume, pricing, operational costs, and market demand. With effective marketing strategies and efficient operations, you can generate a profitable income. Conduct thorough financial planning to estimate your potential earnings.


Staff Writer.

This article is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal, financial, or tax advice. For specific advice applicable to your business, please contact a professional.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Embrace Renewable Energy: Solar Power Solutions for Green Homeowners

The Benefits of Solar Power for Green-Conscious Homeowners: How Going Solar Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Save Money


As the world grapples with the urgent need to combat climate change and transition to sustainable energy sources, the importance of embracing solar power has never been greater. Picture a future where every home generates clean, renewable energy and contributes to a greener planet. This vision is within our reach, and as green-conscious homeowners, we have the power to make it a reality.

In this article, we will explore the numerous advantages of solar power for environmentally conscious homeowners. Solar power offers a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution that can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and save you money. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can take control of your energy consumption and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Solar power offers numerous advantages for green-conscious homeowners, including a reduction in carbon footprint and potential cost savings. By understanding the environmental impact of solar power and the financial benefits it brings, we can make an informed decision to adopt this renewable energy source.

Understanding Solar Power and Its Environmental Impact:

Explanation Of Solar Power:

Solar power is generated through the use of solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity. This process, known as photovoltaic (PV) conversion, involves the absorption of sunlight by the solar cells within the panels. These cells then release electrons, creating an electrical current that can be harnessed for various purposes.

Environmental Benefits:

Reduction Of Reliance On Fossil Fuels:

Solar power systems provide homeowners with a sustainable and renewable energy alternative, decreasing their dependence on non-renewable energy sources such as coal and natural gas. By embracing solar power, we can promote a cleaner, more sustainable energy mix and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Lowering Carbon Emissions:

Solar power generation produces minimal to no greenhouse gas emissions, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional electricity sources. By utilizing solar power, homeowners can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change.

Energy Independence and Cost Savings:

Energy Self-Sufficiency:

Solar power allows homeowners to generate their own electricity, reducing their dependence on the grid. This energy self-sufficiency provides a sense of security and resilience, particularly during power outages or times of high energy demand. By producing their own electricity, homeowners can also avoid potential exposure to fluctuating energy prices.

Financial Benefits:

Decreased Electricity Bills:

One of the most significant advantages of solar power is its potential to reduce or even eliminate monthly electricity bills. As solar panels generate electricity, homeowners can tap into this clean energy source, reducing their reliance on grid-supplied electricity and saving money in the long run.

Return On Investment:

Solar power systems offer a high return on investment over their lifespan. While there is an initial cost associated with installing solar panels, the long-term savings on electricity bills can quickly offset this investment. Additionally, many regions offer incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and grants to further reduce the upfront costs of solar installation. The Nigerian government has established the Rural Electrification Fund (REF) to provide financial assistance for off-grid electrification projects, including solar power installations, in rural and underserved areas. The REF offers grants and concessional financing to support the deployment of renewable energy solutions.

Incentives and Supportive Policies:

Government Incentives:

Governments around the world recognize the importance of solar power and offer financial incentives to encourage its adoption. In Nigeria, for example, there are various incentives available, including tax credits, rebates, and grants, that can significantly offset the initial costs of installing solar power systems. These incentives make solar power more accessible and affordable for homeowners.
Here are some of the available financial incentives in Nigeria:

The Nigeria Power Sector Programme (PA-NPSP) implemented by USAID has made significant contributions to facilitating financing for off-grid electrification projects in Nigeria.

Net Metering:

Net metering is a policy that allows homeowners with solar power systems to sell excess electricity back to the grid. When a solar panel generates more electricity than is needed, it can be fed back into the grid, reducing the homeowner's energy costs further. Net metering incentivizes solar power adoption by providing financial benefits and helping homeowners maximize their energy savings.

The Nigerian government can establish a Net Energy Metering program, which allows solar power system owners to receive credits for the excess electricity they generate and feed into the grid. These credits can then be used to offset their future energy bills.

Supportive Policies:

In addition to incentives, supportive policies and regulations play a crucial role in promoting the adoption of solar power. These policies can include streamlined permitting processes, interconnection standards, and renewable energy goals. By creating a favorable environment for solar power, governments empower homeowners to make sustainable energy choices.

Considerations and Practical Tips for Going Solar:

Assessing Solar Feasibility:

Before going solar, it's essential to assess the feasibility of installing solar panels on your home. Factors such as roof orientation, shading, and local weather conditions should be considered to ensure maximum sunlight exposure and optimal energy production.

Choosing The Right System:

There are different types of solar power systems available, including rooftop panels and solar tiles. It's important to consider factors such as your energy needs, available roof space, and budget when selecting the most suitable option. Consulting with solar professionals can help you make an informed decision.

Engaging Professional Installers:

Proper installation is crucial for the performance and longevity of your solar power system. Working with certified solar installers ensures that the panels are installed correctly, optimizing their energy production and ensuring compliance with safety standards. Professional installers can also provide guidance on system maintenance and warranty information.


The Key Points:

Solar power offers numerous benefits for green-conscious homeowners. By harnessing the sun's energy, we can reduce our carbon footprint, decrease reliance on fossil fuels, and enjoy potential cost savings. Solar power is a sustainable and financially viable solution that empowers us to make a positive impact on both the environment and our finances.

I encourage you to explore the possibilities of solar power for your home. By going solar, you contribute to a greener future and demonstrate your commitment to sustainable energy choices. Take advantage of available incentives, evaluate your solar feasibility, and engage with professional installers to ensure a successful transition to solar power.

Embrace solar power as a transformative energy solution. By adopting solar energy, we not only reduce our carbon footprint but also inspire others to follow suit. Let's build a greener future together, where every home generates clean and renewable energy. The time for solar power is now, and by making the switch, we can create a more sustainable and resilient world for future generations to come.

FAQ - The Benefits of Solar Power for Green-Conscious Homeowners: How Going Solar Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Save Money

Q1: What is solar power?
A1: Solar power is derived from capturing sunlight and converting it into usable electricity through photovoltaic (PV) panels or solar thermal systems.

Q2: How Does Solar Power Help Reduce My Carbon Footprint?
A2: Solar power reduces your carbon footprint by decreasing your reliance on fossil fuels. By generating clean, renewable energy from the sun, solar power systems produce minimal to no greenhouse gas emissions.

Q3: Can Solar Power Really Save Me Money?
A3: Yes, solar power can save you money in the long run. You can significantly reduce or even eliminate monthly electricity bills by generating your own electricity. Additionally, solar power systems have a high return on investment over their lifespan, leading to cost savings.

Q4: Are There Any Financial Incentives Available For Installing Solar Power Systems?
A4: Yes, there are various financial incentives available. These include tax credits, rebates, and grants offered by the government to offset the initial costs of installing solar power systems. These incentives make solar power more affordable and accessible.

Q5: How Does Net Metering Work, And How Can It Help Me Save Money?
A5: Net metering allows homeowners to sell excess solar-generated electricity back to the grid. This means that when your solar panels produce more electricity than you need, it can be fed into the grid, and you receive credits or payments for the energy you contribute. Net metering helps further reduce your energy costs.

Q6: How Do I Assess The Feasibility Of Solar Power For My Home?
A6: Assessing the feasibility of solar power for your home involves considering factors such as roof orientation, shading, and local weather conditions. Evaluating these factors helps determine the potential for optimal solar energy generation.

Q7: What Types Of Solar Power Systems Are Available, And How Do I Choose The Right One?
A7: There are different types of solar power systems, including rooftop panels and solar tiles. The choice depends on your individual needs and budget. Consulting with certified solar installers can help you select the most suitable option.

Q8: Why Is It Important To Work With Professional Installers?
A8: Professional installers have the knowledge and expertise to design and install solar power systems correctly. They ensure proper installation, maximize system performance, and help you navigate through any necessary permits and regulations.

Q9: How Can Solar Power Contribute To Energy Independence?
A9: Solar power allows homeowners to generate their own electricity, reducing their dependence on the grid. This independence provides stability, protection against fluctuating energy prices, and a more reliable source of energy.

Q10: What Impact Can I Make By Choosing Solar Power?
A10: By choosing solar power, you actively contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future. You reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy, and play a part in building a greener world for future generations.

Engr. Gbolahan Isama MS.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Beyond Obligations: Rethinking NHF Contributions for Nigerian Businesses.

Nigeria Housing Minister, Babatunde Raji Fashola CON SAN


The National Housing Fund (NHF) and its contribution rules play a crucial role in Nigeria's efforts to address housing challenges and promote affordable housing. However, it is essential to periodically evaluate and modify these rules to ensure they remain effective and responsive to the needs of businesses and individuals. By revisiting and modifying the NHF contribution rules, the government can foster entrepreneurship, attract investments, and encourage the growth of SMEs, which are vital for job creation and economic development in the country.

Contributions to the National Housing Fund (NHF) have become a pressing concern for Nigerian businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), for several reasons:

1. Financial Burden on SMEs: Mandatory NHF contributions can impose a significant financial burden on SMEs, especially those with limited resources. SMEs often operate on tight budgets, and allocating a portion of their income toward NHF contributions can strain their financial capacity, limiting their ability to invest in business growth and expansion.

2. Disproportionate Impact on SMEs: The current NHF contribution rules may disproportionately affect SMEs compared to larger corporations. SMEs typically have fewer employees and lower revenue streams, making it more challenging for them to meet the required contributions. This places them at a disadvantage compared to larger businesses that can more easily fulfill their financial obligations.

3. Resource Constraints: SMEs often face constraints in terms of manpower, technology, and infrastructure. The additional financial commitment of NHF contributions further restricts their ability to invest in critical areas such as hiring new employees, adopting innovative technologies, or expanding their operations.

4. Employee Morale and Retention: Mandatory deductions for NHF contributions can lead to decreased employee satisfaction and motivation. Some employees may perceive the deductions as an additional financial burden, reducing their take-home pay. This can impact their overall morale and productivity, potentially resulting in decreased employee retention rates and talent attrition.

Embracing New Perspectives on NHF Contributions for Nigerian Businesses.

To address these issues and ensure the NHF's objectives are met, the Business Facilitation Act, signed into law in February, introduced two significant amendments to the NHF Act:

1. Optional NHF Contributions for Private Sector Employees: Private sector employees now have the choice to opt in or opt-out of NHF contributions. They can decide whether to contribute to the scheme to enjoy its benefits or cease participation. However, self-employed individuals and public sector employees are still required to contribute to the NHF.

While the NHF contribution rules have been a cause for concern for SMEs, this recent change granting private sector employees the freedom to choose whether or not to contribute to the NHF is a step in the right direction. This amendment acknowledges the diverse needs and financial capacities of businesses and individuals, empowering them to make decisions that align with their circumstances. It reduces the mandatory financial burden on SMEs, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently and invest in their business growth.

Suggestion for Reconsideration:

Despite this positive change, there is room for further improvement. One proposed solution is to adjust the contribution percentages based on the size and financial capacity of businesses. This approach would help alleviate the burden on SMEs while ensuring that larger corporations contribute their fair share. By embracing a more flexible approach to NHF contributions, the government can strike a balance between promoting affordable housing and supporting the growth of SMEs, which are crucial drivers of economic development and job creation in Nigeria.

By revisiting and modifying the NHF contribution rules, the government can foster entrepreneurship, attract investments, and encourage the growth of SMEs, all of which are vital for job creation and economic development in the country. The NHF should aim to strike a balance between its objectives of providing affordable housing and supporting the business ecosystem. This can be achieved by considering the unique challenges faced by SMEs, offering financial incentives, and creating a conducive environment for their growth.

Proposed Solutions:

1. Revisit Contribution Percentages: The government should reconsider the contribution

 percentages and explore a more progressive approach that considers the size and financial capacity of businesses. Adjusting the contribution rates based on these factors can help alleviate the burden on SMEs while ensuring fairness in contributions.

2. Financial Support Programs: Introduce tailored financial support programs for SMEs to help them fulfill their NHF obligations. This can include grants, subsidies, or low-interest loans aimed at easing the financial burden and promoting compliance.

3. Enhanced Financial Education: Provide comprehensive financial education and guidance to SMEs on managing their NHF contributions. This includes workshops, seminars, and resources that equip SME owners and employees with the knowledge and skills to budget effectively, optimize resources, and navigate the NHF system.

4. Advocacy and Dialogue: Encourage open dialogue and engagement between government bodies, industry associations, and SME representatives to discuss the challenges faced by SMEs regarding NHF contributions. This can lead to policy changes, exemptions, or incentives that address the specific needs of SMEs.

One positive aspect of the recent change allowing private sector employees to choose whether or not to contribute to the NHF is the recognition of individual freedom and choice. This flexibility empowers employees to make decisions based on their personal financial circumstances and priorities.

However, it is crucial to consider the broader implications and potential consequences of this change. While optional contributions alleviate the burden on private sector employees, they also reduce the overall funding pool available for the NHF. This reduction in funds may impact the government's ability to provide affordable housing for all Nigerians.

Suggestion for Reconsideration:

To strike a balance between individual choice and the overarching goal of affordable housing, the Nigerian government should consider alternative approaches to NHF contributions. One proposed solution is to adjust the contribution percentages based on the size and financial capacity of businesses. By implementing a tiered system, larger corporations with higher revenues would contribute a higher percentage, reflecting their greater ability to support the NHF. SMEs, on the other hand, could have reduced contribution rates commensurate with their financial capacity. This approach ensures that all businesses contribute their fair share while reducing the burden on smaller enterprises.

Implementing such a revision requires careful consideration and collaboration between government entities, business stakeholders, and relevant experts to develop a sustainable and equitable contribution framework. It strikes a balance between the need for affordable housing and the challenges faced by SMEs, fostering a business-friendly environment while addressing the housing needs of the population.

Benefits of Revisiting and Modifying NHF Contribution Rules:

1. Promotion of Entrepreneurship: Adjusting NHF contribution rules can create a more supportive environment for entrepreneurs and SMEs. By reducing the financial burden on smaller businesses, it becomes easier for them to allocate resources toward business development and expansion, fostering entrepreneurial growth and innovation.

2. Attraction of Investments: Modifying NHF contribution rules can enhance Nigeria's attractiveness as an investment destination. By implementing a fair and equitable framework, businesses, including foreign investors, can have more confidence in the regulatory environment, facilitating investment flows and stimulating economic growth.

3. Development of SMEs: SMEs are the backbone of Nigeria's economy, significantly contributing to employment and GDP. Revisiting NHF contribution rules can provide SMEs with greater financial flexibility, enabling them to invest in talent acquisition, training, technology, and infrastructure, thereby supporting their growth and competitiveness.

4. Continuity of Affordable Housing: The primary objective of the NHF is to promote affordable housing for all Nigerians. Revisiting the contribution rules ensures the sustainability of the fund while balancing the financial capacity of businesses. This guarantees that the NHF can continue to fulfill its mandate of providing affordable housing options for citizens.

Key Considerations for NHF Contribution Rule Modifications:

1. Proportional Contributions: Implement a tiered system where contribution percentages are based on the size and financial capacity of businesses. This ensures that larger corporations contribute their fair share while reducing the burden on SMEs.

2. Flexibility and Choice: Allow businesses and individuals the flexibility to choose between different contribution options that align with their financial circumstances and priorities. This encourages voluntary participation while maintaining the overall integrity of the NHF.

3. Transparency and Accountability: Enhance transparency and accountability in the management and utilization of NHF funds to build trust among businesses and individuals. Clear reporting mechanisms and regular audits can help ensure that funds are utilized efficiently and effectively.

4. Stakeholder Collaboration: Engage stakeholders, including government entities, business associations, and housing experts, in the process of revisiting and modifying NHF contribution rules. This collaborative approach ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, leading to well-informed and balanced decisions.


The NHF is a crucial element of Nigeria's housing sector, but its contribution rules can present challenges for businesses, particularly SMEs. By understanding the purpose, operations, and benefits of the NHF, businesses can navigate the system more effectively. Additionally, implementing strategies to manage the financial implications and exploring support mechanisms can help SMEs fulfill their NHF obligations while maintaining a sustainable business model. Finally, it is crucial for the government to consider revisiting the NHF contribution rules and exploring alternative approaches that promote entrepreneurship, attract investments, and support the growth of SMEs for overall economic development and job creation in the country. By re-evaluating the contribution rules and proposing solutions such as adjusting percentages based on business size and capacity, fostering entrepreneurship, attracting investments, and promoting the growth of SMEs, Nigeria can create a conducive environment for business development and ensure the availability of affordable housing for its citizens.

FAQs about the National Housing Fund (NHF) for Nigerian Businesses:

Q1: What is the purpose of the National Housing Fund (NHF)? A1: The NHF aims to facilitate the provision of affordable housing for Nigerians through contributions from employees and employers.

Q2: How does NHF contribute to business growth? A2: NHF benefits businesses by promoting employee welfare, enhancing productivity, and driving economic growth through investments in affordable housing.

Q3: What are the contribution rules for NHF? A3: NHF contributions are mandatory for public sector employees and optional for private sector employees. Employers and employees each contribute 2.5% of monthly salaries.

Q4: What challenges can businesses face with NHF contributions? A4: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may struggle to match employee contributions, impacting their financial resources, expansion plans, and employee retention.

Q5: How can businesses comply with NHF contribution rules?
A5: Businesses should maintain accurate records, fulfill their obligations timely, and submit required documentation. Seeking professional guidance is advisable.

Q6: What are the potential solutions for managing NHF obligations? A6: Exploring alternative contribution approaches based on business size and financial capacity can alleviate the burden on SMEs while ensuring fairness.

Q7: How can businesses mitigate the financial impact of NHF contributions? A7: Effective budgeting, resource allocation, and adopting sustainable business models can help minimize the impact on profitability.

Q8: What has changed in the NHF Act? A8: Private sector employees now have the option to participate or opt out of NHF contributions, while self-employed individuals and public sector employees are still required to contribute.

Q9: How can the government foster entrepreneurship and support SMEs? A9: Revisiting and modifying NHF contribution rules to suit business capacities can encourage entrepreneurship, attract investments, and promote SME growth.

Q10: What are the benefits of reforming NHF contribution rules?

A10: Reforms can promote business sustainability, job creation, and economic development, benefiting both businesses and the overall Nigerian economy.